LED Active Reshaper - 50ml


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MEGAN body

Formulated with precision and effectiveness, these products are developed exclusively for MEGAN.  LED Active consists of 7 different concentrates that all contain Cosmetic Drone technology that are tailored for specific functions as they penetrate the dermal tissue layers.  Cosmetic Drone technology is the most advanced delivery system on the market for main active ingredients in products.  Cosmetic Drone technology has microcapsules that act as a cellular GPS and allows active ingredients to pinpoint and reach target cells that need to be treated.  

LED Active-Reshaper, smoothes orange peel skin and reduces thickness in stubborn areas.  Includes an anti-cellulite drone together with active ingredients that maximize fat burning, minimize lipid storage and inhibit the development of new fatty tissue.

Benefits: Reducing, Defibrosant, Anti-Cellulite

How To: LED Reshaper concentrate is to be used with MEGANs red light technology and is suitable for skin with cellulite or excess weight.

Main Active Ingredients:

Anti-Cellulite and Caffeine Drone: Adiposyte-selective, inhibits adipogenesis and lipogenesis, and stimulates lipolysis.

Encapsulated Marine Pentasaccharide

Biometic Peptide (UCP’s) and Carnitine: Burns fat in the form of heat and produces energy.

Glaucine: Reshapes sclerosed connective tissue, which is responsible for the orange peel skin appearance.

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