Counter Storage Display Including Marine Shot Masks


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Marine Shot Mask Line Extenstion includes :
25 pieces 

5 - Thirst Quenching Shot Mask
5 -Energy Booster Shot Mask
5 -Flash Lift Shot Mask
5 -Express Purity Shot Mask *New
5 -SOS Comfort Shot Mask *New
1 - Counter storage display Marine Shot Masks

Thirst Quenching Shot Mask
Filled with blue ocean sap and hyaluronic acid, this marine mask with algae fibers hydrates and plumps the skin all while remineralizing the skin.

Energy Booster Shot Mask
Boosted with spirulina and marine magnesium, this marine mask with seaweed fibers smoothes, refreshes, and energizes the skin.

Flash Lift Shot Mask
Flash Lift Shot Mask is superactivated by marine silicon and enriched with tightening seaweed sugar, this seaweed fiber mask has lifting features and fills in wrinkles while providing a tightening effect.

Express Purity Shot Mask *New
Purity Shot Mask is purifying and pore tightening, for matte skin and a healthy complexion into the evening. This mask consists of Marine Zinc which rebalances the sebum production and prevents inflammatory skin reactions.

SOS Comfort Shot Mask *New
SOS Comfort Shot Mask is full of nourishing action. It is replenishing and repairing for the skin as the Marine Cold Cream provides the mask with the necessary lipids and minerals.

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